
Ideas on assisting in the relief effort without going in person. Much can be done without leaving your house. Give those affected by disaster some hope, and use some of these ideas to help them.

Monday, March 27, 2006

A Letter To Campmor For Volunteer Discounts

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of all volunteers in the Gulf Coast.

As you can imagine, life is still very basic, with camping and that goes with it the rule rather than the exception.

I am asking you to search within yourselves for the reaction you would hope others would take on your behalf and then act.

If someone calls to order equipment and states it is for a volunteer trip they are taking to the Gulf Region, please allow them a discount since they are already giving so much to an area in so much need.

There could be obvious exclusions, such as winter gear, or limited inclusions, such as small selections in each category. The important thing is to help, and when there is a good chance the volunteers will leave at least some of their gear for the locals or other volunteers coming to the area, you would be truly enhancing that gift giving ability.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience regarding this very important idea.

I thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Send to:
400 Corporate Drive
PO Box 680
Mahwah, NJ 07430

The ArtFelt Program For All Ages


I honestly don't remember how I got the ArtFelt website. I think it was from someone involved with the New Waveland Cafe, but don't hold me to that.
To whomever sent me the link - thank you! This is the perfect way to get kids involved for kids.

An aside - I'm laughing because my mom calls me the perfect Methodist. I am constantly finding new ways for people to donate time, money, effort, items or all of the above! What can I say - I'm blessed. LOL

Anyway, this discovery is definitely one of the best ones I've had dropped in my lap. Go to http://www.artfeltconnections.com/ and check them out. They have started a program specifically for relief to schools affected by Katrina - either helping rebuild and cope with the daily influx of returning students, or helping the schools that have been swamped by displaced students.

They will sell to participating organizations, heart line-drawings for $10/100. The organizations then sell each heart for $1 each to each member wishing to participate. The member decorates in the medium of their choice. The $1 goes to a school of the organization's choice - which ArtFelt will help find if the organization doesn't have one chosen already.

The program was designed with primary ed schools in mind, but they are willing to open it up to any organization with a large number of people. The more the merrier as they say. With more participants comes greater creativity and involvement, making it a far more enriching experience than you might otherwise have with a limited number of participants.

I have sent the following letter out to the school districts, senior centers, nursing homes and colleges within my county. I am asking you to send just one. It can be to the school system your child attends, it can be a senior center you or your parents visit, it can be a nursing home you visit, it can be a scout troop you're involved in, it can be the university/community college you attend.

School District - Send to the Superintendent's Office - Addresses are in your phone book.
Senior Center - Send it to the attention of the Activity Director.
Nursing Home - Send it to the attention of the Activity Director.
Scout Troop - Call the Troop Leader and email or hand deliver the information.
University/CC - Send it to the attention of the Student Activities Department head - the name should be in your student handbook or on their webpage.

I put my contact information in as a way to assure the organization that this is not a common solicitation - which is a sure fire way of getting it filed in the trash. You may change the wording to fit the type of organization you are dealing with - school/students, nursing home/residents, etc.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to you a request of assistance for Hancock County MS and its school district with an idea that is both obtainable and a highly enjoyable activity for the participants.

I have contacted ArtFelt Connections (http://www.artfeltconnections.com/) to confirm the particulars of this program that was designed specifically to assist the school districts affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

ArtFelt will supply a simple heart outline for your members to color and decorate in the medium of their choice for a small donation of $1.00 per drawing. This dollar will then be donated to the school relief efforts.

There are several choices on what to do with the art once it is completed. It may stay at your location – to inspire others to be included in this creative manner as well as to have a visual reminder of all the help you have been able to supply; It may go to the school district, along with the collected money, as a symbol of support for the students and staff to be inspired by; It may go back to ArtFelt to be imprinted on any number of items that can either be donated to the relief effort or kept by the person (and then returned to your location).

If the participant wishes to donate the items, ArtFelt will significantly reduce the price. If the person keeps it, ArtFelt will charge the regular price, which is still greatly reduced. Items of particular need in the affected region include backpacks, coffee mugs, mouse pads and quilts. The item will be either returned to your location to mail, or ArtFelt will send the items down in bulk to help reduce postage.

[The $1 charge for the original heart will go to the school of your choice, regardless of whether any items are ordered.]

You may know the parent company through PTA’s – Art Ware By You, which is well versed in the networking and delivering of aid.

If you are interested in assisting through this incredible program, please contact ArtFelt:
by email at Info@ArtFeltConnections.com
by phone at 1.800.609.8337
by mail at 151 Forest St Montclair, NJ 07042

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me at your earliest convenience at [enter your email and your phone number here].


Giving Talks

Well, I went to Vestal Senior High today to thank a student organization for making dry erase boards for Hancock County as well as to tell them about the entire Gulf Region.

The students were typical high school students - you don't want to show too many emotions in front of strangers. BUT - you could see the little light bulb go on in their heads with different analogies.

Like using a US map to show how far the destruction spread, and a picture Clayton (Siege) took of a debris field that spreads for miles.

Like telling them about 8' storm surge 10 miles in. That's a LOT of water.

Like losing everything in your bedroom, your house and then living in a FEMA trailer with no privacy.

Things like this really strike home.

So - Starting in mid-January, they will be doing a month long drive for "labels for education" and "boxtops for education" that includes all of the schools in the district.

I think they started understanding that even saving pennies matters. If everyone saved pennies and sent the money - there would be no shortage.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Attorney's General Letter

It seems our voices are being heard. Prices are slowly returning to a more respectable level. While not fully at the national average, they certainly aren't 2-3 times the national average. I don't expect them to be able to support national average, or their historic averages due to the constant need and the difficulty shipping supplies in. But as long as the prices remain close to the national average, I'm happy!

Thanks to all who took the time to write!

The more I hear regarding price gouging and usury down there, the more important this letter becomes. Please send it to your state's AG, the affected states' AGs and the US AG.

You can find your state's attorney general at:
US AG -http://www.usdoj.gov/contact-us.html
Please send to the LA, MS, AL, USAG and your state's AG.
Also consider sending it to the major news organizations. If they start reporting this, we may catch a break in getting the AG's to do something.

The Letter
Dear Attorney General (insert their name),
As you know all too well, the 2005 hurricane season ravaged more states in our nation than any other season on record. These states are now being ravaged by the cost of rebuilding.Cost of materials is reported to be two to three times higher than the national average. Nationally established volunteer organizations and citizens alike are paying far too much for all goods and services to repair and rebuild the Gulf Coast Region. And while some price increases were expected immediately following a storm due to decreased infrastructure and access, this is no longer the case. And yet, the prices continue to rise to double and triple the national average a full 6 months after the most severe storms. This is obviously price gouging and predatory in nature. This is unacceptable.
These volunteer organizations are asking people from around the nation to start shipping supplies in because it’s cheaper than buying locally. This hurts everyone. The monies wasted on shipping could go toward direct rebuilding, but must be used instead to ship cheaper goods in. The monies aren’t being spent locally, further hurting the local economies of our poorest states, hindering their recovery even further. The only ones benefiting from this price gouging are the companies supplying the goods and the stores selling the goods – both of which claim to be assisting in all ways possible to help with the recovery effort.
Investigate the prices of all construction materials as well as basic life goods such as food, clothing, durable goods and basic construction services such as roof repair/replacement. Hold these companies, stores and individuals accountable for their actions. The Gulf Coast is counting on you to be their voice, their advocate during this incredibly difficult time.

A Letter To State, Federal Officials

Yes, I do enjoy my letters. BUT - they are effective. The more, the merrier too. Print it as is, email it or send it to both your state and federal representatives AND the White House. If we all send this - we'll be far more likely to make a difference.

It's an election year - they'll listen whether they are up for a vote or not.

The above links are where you find your federal legislators.
The above link will help you locate your state representatives
The above link will allow you to contact the White House as well as give you the snail mail address, should you choose to send a hard copy.

The Letter
Dear State and Federal Legislators (put the name of your reps in here)
I am asking you to create a tax deduction for those people who give their time so freely in the hurricane ravaged Gulf Region.
This deductible should be similar to a real money donation since their skills, time and travel are far more valuable than any dollar donation could be.
Please consider a deduction of $500/week, but not to exceed $2000 total. This kind of incentive will help those who are giving more than they truly can and will allow others to donate their efforts when they otherwise might not be able.
We must find ways to help the Gulf Region rebuild as quickly as possible. It is far too valuable of a national asset to let languish as we are. The ports, the fishing industry, the oil industry and the tourism all depend on rapid, efficient and effective rebuilding of the infrastructure and communities that support these industries.
Creating a tax deduction for those whose compassion runs deeper than their finances allow will create a deeper, more skilled volunteer pool from which to draw such valuable resource as nursing, teaching, construction and adjunctive staff.
We, as a nation, need this small but effective donation on the part of our government. By creating this tax deduction, the government can save the nation billions in reconstruction costs and halve the time it will take to rebuild the Gulf Region to the robust asset it has always been.

Letters to Write

I'm putting 4 letters into 1 post since they all pertain to the same program and same result - helping the hurricane affected schools.

Letter #1 Write or Email to the Box Tops For Education Program:
Use our contact form to e-mail Box Tops for Education about program and technical questions.

Box Tops for Education
P.O. Box 8998
Young America, MN 55551

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of all school districts affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. While I am working directly with Hancock County, MS School System, I know the need extends much further and the nation’s ability to help is far greater than a single school district.
For that reason, I am asking you to begin a campaign on your Box Tops For Education website (www.boxtops4education.com) that states you will match all Box Tops sent in by the affected school districts for one calendar year.
Word will get out to the nation, more affluent schools, communities, PTAs, etc. will participate as well as individuals such as myself. The request for your help includes you placing an interactive map of the affected region so that organizations and individuals can choose to assist a particular school district by need or by affiliation. With this map, it would be helpful to have a tally of what each school district has had submitted – being updated on a monthly basis. An address for each school district would also be made available – as it is now – in order that the Box Tops be sent to the correct address and then submitted to you in the traditional manner.
The only additional work would be the initial website inclusion of this campaign, while any tallying and addresses would be pulled from existing databases. Any increase in activity in the Box Tops For Education Program would be directed to a single region, and may actually reduce activity in other regions of the country, making for no net increase in work on your part.
Please consider this request as quickly as possible so these school systems might recover more rapidly and completely for the children and communities in the Gulf Region.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to call me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Write to Labels For Education at:
Labels for Education
PO Box 3130
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55745-3130

Email them through their contact page:http://www.labelsforeducation.com/contactanne.aspx

To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing on behalf of all school districts affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. While I am working directly with Hancock County, MS School System, I know the need extends much further and the nation’s ability to help is far greater than a single school district.
For that reason, I am asking you to begin a campaign on your Labels For Education website (www.labelsforeducation.com) that states you will match all Labels sent in by the affected school districts for one calendar year.
Word will get out to the nation, more affluent schools, communities, PTAs, etc. will participate as well as individuals such as myself. The request for your help includes you placing an interactive map of the affected region so that organizations and individuals can choose to assist a particular school district by need or by affiliation. With this map, it would be helpful to have a tally of what each school district has had submitted – being updated on a monthly basis. An address for each school district would also be made available – as it is now – in order that the Labels be sent to the correct address and then submitted to you in the traditional manner.
The only additional work would be the initial website inclusion of this campaign, while any tallying and addresses would be pulled from existing databases. Any increase in activity in the Labels For Education Program would be directed to a single region, and may actually reduce activity in other regions of the country, making for no net increase in work on your part.
Please consider this request as quickly as possible so these school systems might recover more rapidly and completely for the children and communities in the Gulf Region.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to call me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

This letter is to your state PTA. I found NYS's PTA org very easily, so the search shouldn't be difficult if you just type in your state's name followed by "PTA" and you should get it in the first 5 hits.

To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to take a moment of your time to request information dissemination to your affiliates.I am asking that all PTAs choose a school system affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and spend one quarter to one year collecting and sending both Labels For Education (see www.labelsforeducation.com) and Box Tops For Education (see www.boxtops4education.com) to that school system/PTA in order to recover more completely and rapidly than they otherwise would without the assistance.
I am also asking that the attached letters be made available to request the affiliated companies to assist by matching the submitted Labels/Box Tops for one calendar year.
In the grand scheme of things, the amounts given (rather than kept) by local PTAs will be insignificant compared to the invaluable assets they will become to the receiving schools.
If you would like more information regarding this proposal/request, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

And finally - make a second copy of the above letter and send it to the national PTA. They need to understand that this disaster requires us as a nation to think outside the box. They claim they can't condone or advocate for any single program, but this isn't like any other time in our history. So write the letters.

This one needs to go to the National PTA Org. It is the exact same letter as the one to your state, but this will make the national organization aware that people throughout the country want to help the affected region and it would be very good policy to make the information available to their state affiliates.

By sending to the states first, you are insuring they get the information in case the national organization tries to ignore the requests.

Send To:
Send email to the National PTA.

You may also contact the National PTA via mail, phone or fax:
National PTA
541 N Fairbanks Court
Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60611-3396
Phone: (312) 670-6782Toll-Free: (800) 307-4PTA (4782)Fax: (312) 670-6783
Please send faxes and correspondence to the attention of the Customer Service Department.

National PTA Washington DC Office
1090 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20005-4905
Phone: (202) 289-6790Fax: (202) 289-6791Hotline: (888) 425-5537

Contact Names:
Kimberly Barnes-O'Connor, Deputy Executive Director - Programs and Public Policy
Sheri DeBoe Johnson, Program Director

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Public Service Announcements

Please consider sending this to your local Public Access Channel.

Most have announcements during the daytime and off hours when programming is sparse. They also have strict rules about what can be posted and how large the post can be.Ours needs a local contact, needs to be no longer than 4 lines and no more than 32 characters per line, needs to be sent in at least 3 weeks in advance.

So - with all of that in mind, if you are willing to be your local contact, please first call Walton County Habitat so they are familiar with your name and location as well as to give permission and then put yourself down as the local contact - that will be used only by the Public Access Channel folks for verification - not as a contact for the public to call.

Regift to the needy in the US
Adopt a Family This Christmas
For More Information:

Help Katrina Victims Help Themselves
Able Bodied People Of All Ages Needed
1 Week to 1 Month Intervals Call
Walton County Habitat @ 850 835 0067

You may use this wording ver batim or something very similar - this was approved for use by the Walton County Habitat, so I would strongly urge using this wording as is. If you need help shortening it for your PAC, please email me and I will do what I can to help you.

Similar One For Electricians

Please send the following announcement to your local Public Access Channel. They all have times every day where they post announcements for not-for-profit groups and needs such as this. I've written this one for our PAC and is conformed to their specifications, so should need little editing for your PAC.

Help The Gulf Coast Help Itself
Licensed Electrictians Needed Now
KatrinaCoalition@aol.com or

Labels: , , ,

Focus Your Help

First, you need to treat this like a business.
I make it sound so complex!
Well, it isn't. And planning it like a business makes it that much easier. I figured that out after I started.First - who is your target audience? Decide what exactly you want to help. Do you want to help 1 family, 1 community, 1 school, 1 county, 1 not for profit organization? What pulls you the most?

For me, I'm the savior child - I need to help everyone and save everything. That's why I've got so many irons in the fire. But it is not something I advocate by any stretch of the imagination.

And for my sister, it's Clayton with www.operationeden.blogspot.com. She's done stuff for others, but he and his momma are her main focus. So, she's working for HIM. And that is good!

Next, you have to create a business plan. That is - how are you going to help? Are you going to raise money, write letters to government officials, write letters to companies, have drives for material goods, find volunteers to go help, be a volunteer yourself?

Once you have focused your efforts into a single demographic and only a few facets of resources, you can truly be effective!

Start with your friends.
Think about every friend you have. What profession are they in? What hobbies do they have? What organizations are they part of? Every single one of these aspects is important and can be utilized.I have friends in construction. I haven't tapped them yet, but have found out what local and national organizations they belong to in hopes of involving the orgs further. I have friends in computer tech. They are all helping to their levels of comfort to assemble surplus items as well as buying items at discounted rates for places I've found in need. I have friends who are artists. I have asked them to donate items for the folks moving back into new housing and starting with nothing.

Churches are a huge resource. While most are tapped out financially at any given time, they are more so this year due to all of the catastrophes world wide. So ask for the ability to place needs/wish lists of whomever it is you are helping where the parishoners are able to see. Also ask for a material drive - things that are light to ship are a great thing, but not always possible. Something like a drive for dry erase markers - most schools are languishing for the lack of dry erase markers.

Colleges and Universities
All colleges and universities have student activity centers and student organizations. Call the campus, ask for the student activity/diversity department and then ask for student organizations that fit your needs. Everyone I have spoken to has been incredibly helpful in finding the right ones to fit my needs.
You can ask for funding, but generally they have very strict guidelines about the organizations they are allowed to donate to - usually have an authorized list they aren't able to stray from. But that doesn't mean the greek houses or the dorms can't do material drives to get needed items for your cause.

Most shipping companies, local or national chains, are unable to do more than they already have.

However, if you make your needs known to the press, very often they will publish your quandry and good samaritans come forward.
If not, try your local Police department. Their PBA has been set up to assist in 'good deeds'. This includes paying postage to send things to needy folks. You may have to be re-imbursed, but that's not a big deal. They cut a check very quickly.

Boy Scouts
I didn't get the hint to ask them for way too long. Eagle Scouts - need projects! Most are incredibly willing since community service is an integral part of their ideals.

And - if you have any other ideas or have done things that have or have not worked, PLEASE post them. We can all benefit from each others' experience and create a far more efficient and effective way of helping the folks involved in this disaster.

Collect Labels

It is this easy.
Go to http://www.labelsforeducation.com/ for more information.

Ask your friends to collect these labels and either collect from them, or ask them to send them individually. You can collect these either at a party setting, as a challenge to other departments within your company, or throughout your apartment complex/community. Each product has a slightly different part of the label that is needed (of course), but for the most part, it is as simple as cutting the lable off and stuffing it in an envelope.

As you can see, there are tons of different products that can be used toward this program that has been going on for YEARS. Why not use it? The Gulf area achools can use the help, and these labels are as good as money in the pocket! So what if you can't donate it all at once? Giving these throughout the year will add up to a huge sum.

Trust me.

Start a community, apartment complex, company department challenge. See who can save the most in a month or even a year? It can be a fun and easy way to help more than you'd ever know.

Just send them in a normal envelope to:
Hancock County Schools
7070 Stennis Airport Drive
Kiln, MS 39556

Collect Box Tops

There is a program out there called - you guessed it - Boxtops For Education. The website - www.boxtops4education.com.
You can either check out the products to cut the label off of, or you can actually join up!

And if you join, consider using Hancock County's zipcode so they get bonus points. Hancock County Schools are listed under Kiln's zip - 39556

The process is simple - Cut the little logo out which looks like this the picture in the upper right corner. Save them up for a month, and then send them in a normal envelope to:
Hancock County Schools
7070 Stennis Airport Drive
Kiln, MS 39556

Helping Hand Parties

It's a great reason to get together with friends and help out a community.

The way you can help
When you send out invitations, or confirm attendance for your parties - ask your guests to cut the "box tops for education" labels off their non-perishables and bring them for you to collect and send. Ask them to bring in the Campbell's brands labels for you to collect and send. Go To:www.boxtops4education.comand www.labelsforeducation.com for more information.

Send them to:
Charles B Murphy Elementary
7070 Stennis Airport Drive
Kiln, MS, 39556

You might decide to ask them to bring any toiletries they've collected from their travels (the hotel stuff that's figured into the bill anyway) for you to collect and send.

Send this stuff to:
Pearlington Distribution Center
Charles Murphy Elementary
6096 1st Street
Pearlington, MS 39572

Or you might decide to send simple items such as waterless handcleaner, kitchen utensils, bandaids, towels, etc.

All of these things are needed and welcome. There are several needs lists to choose from. Got to www.KatrinaNetworking.Blogspot.com for current lists and addresses for dozens of organizations working in Hancock County.

Articles for Ideas

First Responders Relief Article
http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/article.jsp?sectionId=55&id=44916The article discusses how all emergency services personnel can better assist the same personnel in the Gulf Region. 80% of homes of ESP were lost in New Orleans, more than 50% in Biloxi MS, and around 70% in Hancock County.If you belong to an Emergency Services outfit - Police, Fire or Ambulance, please read and please act. If not, but you know someone who is, or would just like to take a proactive stance, send this article to them and ask what they've done. The link to the First Responders Relief is:http://www.firstrespondersrelief.com/main.php

The Picayune Item - Southern MS Paper's Article On Pearlington:
http://www.picayuneitem.com/articles/2005/09/20/news/10parlington.txtThe amazing thing is - here it is almost December 1, 2005 and people are still living as this article describes.
St. Petersburg, FL Paper's Article on Pearlington:
The Sun Herald
MSNBC Blog about 2 Cities Near Pearlington:
A Walton County Daily News Article re: The County Adopting Hancock County

If you know of any other informative articles, please post them and I'll continue the collection. Feel free to send this post or any of the articles to people who need nudging. I do know that this week's Time is full of articles re: where the Gulf Region stands in regards to recovery. It ain't purty. Pick up the latest issue and then pass it along to anyone and everyone willing to read. Even those who aren't so willing to read. LOL

You can preview some of the articles at:

Call Habitat For Humanity

As of 12/23/05, Habitat International has proclaimed any solicitations done in the name of or for any Habitat Affiliate working in or from the Hurricane ravaged region can no longer occur.

You can not use the name of said Habitat Affiliate without them risking losing their affiliation.

So, call Habitat International instead and ask them what they are doing with the millions they have raised and the thousands of volunteers in some Pergatorial data base no one can access.

This week and Next Week and every week thereafter, right?

Anyway, I just heard from Shannon at Walton County Habitat. She's trying to call ALL Habitats around the US in hopes of drumming up support/teams to come down and help.We need to help her. I'll be sending a similar msg to my friends, but this is so much bigger than a single person, or even a large group of people. So I'm asking you folks to help out as well.

Use this link - http://www.habitat.org/local/ - to find Habitat orgs in your state. Start with those in your area code. And if it overlaps with what someone else is doing - good! The more they know people are expecting assistance to occur, the more likely they'll send folks. Shame is a wonderful motivator. Just don't use it in any obvious ways. Name calling isn't a motivator.

Then, use the following statement - or something like it. Ad lib to a certain extent, but please keep to the basic information.HFH Affiliates:

Habitat for Humanity of Walton County, Florida is actively building emergency housing units for families in Hancock County, Mississippi and is in need of volunteers to join in the effort.

Currently they are putting together a schedule for teams to volunteer in weekly increments from now until the end of February. There are several dates to choose from at this time, and they would love for a team of your volunteers to join in the effort. Please contact the Walton County Habitat (850.835.0067, info@waltoncountyhabitat.org) to register your team as soon as possible. Teams of as small as 6 – 12 can be very effective for the type of work being done, and two bunk houses (water & electric too!) with enough space to sleep up to 24 people are available for volunteers.

At this time volunteers are asked to be self contained as far as food, toiletries, sleeping bags, & any other items they may need. There are now a couple of restaurants and a Wal Mart within 20 minutes that have reopened, and fuel is available.

Thank you

Easy and it's amazing the fun conversations you can end up having with these phone calls.

What I usually do is tell folks that I'm just an ordinary citizen not affiliated with any company or marketing scheme. I just know this is a legitimate need and I'm hoping to help by calling and asking. That saves a lot of hostility right up front.

So - make some calls and then write back if you can with any results.


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