Preparing For The New Season
The Red File
This is probably the single best thing you can do to help yourself and the rest of the country.
Sounds corny huh?
Well, think about it. This hurricane season is supposed to be equally destructive, but aiming more at the East Coast. We've already had a record tornado season and it has only just begun.
By following the directions on The Red File's website, you can save everyone huge amounts of trouble, cost and immediate assistance. It will also save you from the disaster so many have faced this past year of losing everything and not being able to get to what little savings they have by not having the paperwork in another spot.
The Red File explains how to set up this file or box of paperwork that is basically your identity. Anything that has a number associated with your name needs to be in this file. You need to make 2 copies. One for you to store near you and one you send out of town to a family member or friend so that if the entire region is destroyed (ie The Gulf Coast), you'll still have access to your information!
PLEASE take the day and create this file. It'll save you if you have a fire in your home, a tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake, or even the Bird Flu comes through your area.
Spread the word. Everyone needs to do this. The weather this past year has proven no area in the country is without significant risk to destruction due to Mother Nature.
The Red File.
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